How is it?
See videos on reflection below is embed.
What changes I have seen/experienced/felt with me/students in intergrating learning technologies in this course and others.
The layout of this room with the workstations is poorly designed for conversation to happen... So what might the ideal lab look like? Good question Ill have to keep thinking about that!
What does a link look like? Link Link looks better in this blog as it takes up lets screen space. So I'll trial doing this for a while.
I see that some conversations are fleeting moments and powerfull and some take time and can also be powerfull. a problem for me at the moment is how do I record these in the moment...?
Techno turkey stikes again with linking.... So go to Youtube find the video you wish to use, right hand click on it and pick copy link, back to blog , highlight text, then pick on link icon, and in ... insert copied link(command+v).
Assessment... What's more important the event/or the learning pior /during and post the event?
Assessment viewed through my eyes has a different focus than if viewed through the students eyes.. So how can we bring these two diffences
Compare and contrast with last time round.
Wait theres more...
How do you think your role has changed or if it indeed has
or what impact this has had