How is it?
Had problems finding the suggested read... found another by the same authors so have decided to read this one...
Authentic assessment in higher education : A major issue
Indeed assessment is, I've been thinking of the" how to " for a while so this reading should of great interest to me and perhaps my students and fellow teachers. At the moment I'm in the process of implimenting a new course in our Certificate in Applied Technology (CAT) Boatbuilding. The title of which is Small craft construction. So what learning might happen if this course is based around Student Centered Learning (SCL)? How assess this posses several questions that need answers and I'm hoping that these answers surface in this paper. Yes many of these surface under the headings of: context,student factors, task factors, indicators. As I read on about restraints of assessment policies and then onto alignment of task and assessment... but then bingo up popped Project management. Wonders never cease as the example given is from McLoghlin and Luca (2006). This talks but of task being authentic... yet for a fictional client, where as this course is authentic for real clients. I have asked the students to plan their roles and alot responsibilties for tasks they have scheduled over the build process...Some have begun to post blogs on this already...
McLoughlin and Luca (2006) described the authentic task students perform as they form teams to create...are assessed by the teacher and peer assessed by the other teams in accordance with the needs of the client, the proposed purpose of the website(in our case a small craft) and its quality.
Herrington & J. Herrington (Eds.), Authentic learning environments in higher education(pp. 88-95). Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing. ...
McLoughlin, C., & Luca, J. (2006). Applying situated learning theory to the creation of learning environments to enhance socialisation and self-regulation. In A. Herrington & J. Herrington (Eds.), Authentic learning environments in higher education (pp. 194-213). Hershey, PA: ISP.