How is it team?
How is it team?
Posted at 07:07 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
I first started to blog using Blogger a few months ago.... now I've changed and have moved over to VOX...
Posted at 07:06 PM | Permalink | Comments (2)
How is it?
Posted at 07:04 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
How is it? �So I'm going to need to post on youtube a video blog.�
Posted at 07:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
How is it?
These affordances stimulate the development of a participatory culture in which there is genuine
engagement and communication, and in which members feel socially connected with one another. Having
said this, one cannot assume that just because social software provides affordances, that is all that is
required for effective learning. Careful planning and a thorough understanding of the dynamics of these
affordances are mandatory. Moreover, the deployment of ICT tools for learning must be underpinned by
an explicit learning paradigm and informed by pedagogies that support learner self-direction and
knowledge creation.
Need to install endnote! Been there done that with a few problems.
So I'm reading this artical on Web 2.0 stuff
So what is an affordance then ?
I was asked a fair while ago now to create a plan, for each course, of what teaching and learning might look like in the programme it teach on. At that time I could not clearly see the purpose of this plan, even though a template was supplied, with a week or two of time to fill this out. Warning bells should have been rung here. There was no link. For a link to happen you need to have at least two things.
One of which is a learning theory and the other is an affordance.
Now to make sense of these two things by firstly getting a handle on how they might work for the student.
In my (our) mind map I have PLE and have inserted a note:
The PLE is an example of such a learning environment, in which learners manage their own learning by selecting, integrating and using various software tools and services. It provides contextually appropriate toolsets by enabling individuals to adjust and choose options based on their needs and circumstances, resulting in (ideally) a model where learner needs, rather than technology, drive the learning process.
So this for me is the use of this mind map that helps me make sense of our learning environment by giving it a visual appearence.
Have EasyBib now and on Monday will have a look more at it.
One neat thing in Blogger is the icon for removing formating. Can this be done in Vox?
Posted at 07:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
How is it?
Posted at 06:58 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
How is it?
Have been thinking of a way to pull together (make sense) of my personal teaching framework and my (our) concept map.
I often ask my students during the course of a day, "Easy or Hard"?
Hard but becoming easier I can say now... I suppose that this is learning...
So I've made a video that attempts to pull together the framework and the map.
Posted at 05:08 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
How is it?
Decided to collaborate on the last post and as this should be a video blog then if you click on the link below you should see it.
This short video is our reflections on some of our findings during the journey we are on.
Posted at 02:13 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
How is it?
Plan the build
Plan the build videos
Imagine if...
Instead of a book on how to build a dory, the team creates a range of videos that explain the process during the build. The how to do its and the why you are doing it that way. Also there could be a section on tips and tricks and basic rules.
These could be part of or incorporated into your blogs.
Can we talk more about this next week?
See you all then, Vaughn is ready to go and I've ordered the materials. Will drop in for a while in the morning of Monday. Remind me to give up the camera as you will need it to record the videos. The CAD Lab should be free, so you can print off plans from AutoCAD.
Think setting up think accuracy
Posted at 03:25 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
So what learning might happen if? A good opening question, so what's in a concept? An idea that may or may not work or be of value, yet is because you have made the concept overt. Well that's my interpretation, so I highlighted the word concept and looked it up in the dictionary, which states:
concept |ˈkänˌsept|nounan abstract idea; a general notion : structuralism is a difficult concept | the concept of justice. See note at idea .• a plan or intention; a conception : the center has kept firmly to its originalconcept.• an idea or invention to help sell or publicize a commodity : a newconcept in corporate hospitality.• Philosophy an idea or mental picture of a group or class of objects formed by combining all their aspects.• [as adj. ] (of a car or other vehicle) produced as an experimental model to test the viability of new design features.ORIGIN mid 16th cent. (in the sense [thought, frame of mind, imagination] ): from Latin conceptum ‘something conceived,’ - ‘conceived,’ from concipere (see conceive ).
Thought I'd try to work out a concept map of education, this is in no way finished, and upon starting this mindmap, I decided to allow others to collaborate in/on it. See link to concept map.
So there in that one location...Our mental pictures are at time messy, as an outsider once described this mindmap, well that's how it is while you are making sense of a concept. We linked using mindmeister several web 2.0 tools and in doing this attempted to underpin various appropriate pedagogical practices. At times I found Mindmeister quite restrictive in the sense that linking and creating new paths is very restricted with this software.
I would like to thank the others who particapated in building this concept map.
Later I used Prezi to construct and help make sense of concepts visually. I have only now discovered that Prezi has a new function that allows collaboration to occur. Will be trying this out in the future, but not now as the eleventh hour looms closer.
I'll mention this to my students and perhaps ask them to have a go next week using prezi meeting. I'll be interested in what comes out of it.
Posted at 02:37 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
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