How is it?
I'm sitting staring at my computer screen, contemplating where to start. This is quite mind provoking, as I normally pride myself on being able to design. I've been surfing the net over the last few years and have recently been looking again at learning theories. Carl Rogers, one of my hero's comes to mind quite frequently. I enjoyed one of his books called Freedom to Learn.
My mind is racing over several topics at the moment. My typing skills kill this train of thought. If only I could record the journey it has taken in the last few minutes.
In Blogger you can save a draught and revisit to edit when time becomes available, so in VOX I think I can achieve the same result by going down to Share this post: and in Viewable by: picking on the you (hidden) not selecting With my groups and then saving. This saves and posts the blog in VOX. To get back into edit I opened the blog(I found the blog in the YOU, which is located to the right of Create) and under options (to the right) picked on the edit option.
If I could link to a paper right now, this is to refresh my memory on detail contained within it, then that would be a great step forward for me right now. So here goes let me see if I ...
I'm frustrated.... need some application that is capable of graphically showing my design process, concepts, yet will allow links and be flexable to change. Capabilities to zoom and pan would also be nice. Have had a try using ahead but... I can't get this to link. We have a look on the net... invest in time.